Initiatives for
Achieving Diversity

TOP Initiatives for Achieving Diversity

When our employees respect one another,
they produce new ideas
and adapt to our ever-changing society.

Based on our Corporate Motto of “contributing to the Japanese economy through the most effective utilization of human resources from the standpoint of respect for humanity,” each and every employee strives to create new value through mutual respect and contributes to the creation of an even better society together with our customers.

Let's achieve gender equality: job satisfaction and economic growth

We strengthen the promotion of SDGs
through initiatives aimed at achieving diversity.

Promoting the Employment of Persons with Disabilities

We actively hire persons with disabilities with the goal of continuously providing opportunities for them to demonstrate their skills and achieve self-actualization in their professional lives. We endeavor to promote hiring and the creation of work-friendly environments for employees with disabilities.

  • 身障者プロジェクトの発足
    Launching the Persons with Disabilities Project
    MORABU actively hires persons with disabilities. In June 2018, we launched the Persons with Disabilities Project and today have five employees with disabilities.
  • キャリアアップを支える社内体制
    In-house System that Supports Career Advancement
    This system envisions starting with simple input tasks and working up from there. The goal is to cultivate a workplace environment where employees function as a team and find work rewarding. It is our intent to improve company-wide productivity by increasing work that each employee can undertake and putting a system in place that makes career advancement possible.

Promoting Women in the Workplace

Based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace that took effect in April 2016, our company has enthusiastically supported women’s success in the workplace and boosted the proportion of female workers in all types of jobs.

  • 働き続けられる環境づくり
    Building an Environment that Enables Women to Continue Working

    We champion support for women’s participation in childcare and have established childcare leave and a short working-hour system for childcare. At MORABU, an average of 3.5 female employees take maternity and childcare leave each year.

    We also provide support so that female employees can seamlessly return to work after maternity and childcare leave.

  • 女性社員の採用率の向上
    Improving the Female Employment Rate

    MORABU actively hires women. Female employees make up 40% of overall staff at MORABU, which is a large number for a technical company.

    In addition, women make up 60% of our executives. Many women have successful careers at MORABU.

Female Engineers at MORABU

There are many female engineers employed by MORABU HANSHIN Industry. Their strengths of perspectives and awareness unique to women are necessary assets to the workplace. Meet some of our employees.

竹川 真由さん

Design and Development Division

Engaged in the world of technology after joining as a liberal arts graduate

Mayu Takegawa

Joined in April 2020

Right now, I’m primarily in charge of verification and simple modifications of programs and logic adjustments for power plants. After being dispatched to a company, I started out with program verification and simple document creation. I gradually began checking the cause of errors that appeared during verification, repairing errors, and creating simple processing programs.

Lately, I’ve designed programs that used Excel macros and some are actually being used by customers. I hope in the future to be able to create a program on my own from scratch.

吉田 喜美子さん

Design and Development Division

A good place to work that offers maternity and childcare leave

Kimiko Yoshida

Joined in March 2019

I had my first child in August 2020 and returned to work in September 2021. Currently, I’m doing office work in the Human Resources Development Division of the Osaka Office. From the time I had my baby until I returned to work, I was anxious about giving birth and raising a child under a state of emergency declaration, and felt nervous every day imagining the impact on work.

Today, I’m balancing parenting and work thanks not only to my family, but also to the understanding and cooperation of everyone at work. I’ll continue pushing on with work while being comforted by my child’s smiles.

Initiatives for the Environment & Society

An introduction to other activities carried out by MORABU HANSHIN Industry.