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Privacy Policy

MORABU’s Policy on the Protection of Personal Information

MORABU HANSHIN Industry Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”), as a company involved in the personnel business, recognizes that personal information is an important asset of individuals, and the appropriate handling and protection of personal information is an important corporate and social responsibility. For that purpose, the Company has established a personal information protection management system in compliance with Japan Industrial Standards (JIS Q 15001: Personal Information Protection Management Systems - Requirements) and will ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of the importance of protecting personal information.

Personal Information Protection Policy

  1. The Company will comply with all laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other standards with regard to the handing of personal information handled in all of its business and the handling of personal information of employees, etc. Furthermore, the Company has formulated a personal information protection management system in compliance with Japan Industrial Standards (JIS Q 15001: Personal Information Protection Management Systems - Requirements) to protect such personal information.
  2. The Company, when acquiring and using personal information, will specify the purpose of use and will not handle information beyond the scope necessary (use for other purposes) to achieve the specified purpose of use. Additionally, the Company will take appropriate measures to prevent use for other purposes.
  3. The Company will not provide acquired personal information to any third party, except with the consent of the person in question or in accordance with laws and regulations.
  4. The Company, in the event that it receives a complaint or consultation regarding the handling of personal information, will promptly investigate the facts of the matter and respond to the inquiry in good faith within a reasonable period of time.
  5. The Company, in order to properly manage the personal information it has acquired, will take organizational, personnel, physical, and technical safety measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, and to rectify any such occurrences.
  6. The Company will continuously review its own personal information protection management system in response to changes in social conditions and the environment, and improve its efforts to protect personal information.
Enacted: April 1, 2005
Revised: August 31, 2020
MORABU HANSHIN Industry Co.,Ltd.
Naoyuki Shimada, President & Representative Director
[Inquiries regarding Personal Information Protection Policy]
MORABU HANSHIN Industry Co.,Ltd.
Complaint & Consultation Office
TEL: 06-6341-8237

Clicking on the PrivacyMark icon below will take you to the website of the JIPDEC PrivacyMark Office in a separate browser window.


Handling of Personal Information

MORABU HANSHIN Industry Co.,Ltd.
Personal Information Protection Manager: General Affairs Department Section Manager
TEL: 06-6341-8237  FAX: 06-6341-3638

Purposes of Use

MORABU HANSHIN Industry, Co., Ltd.(hereinafter “the Company”) will use personal information within the scope of the following purposes of use, except in cases where the purpose of use is specified to the greatest extent possible and the consent of the concerned individual is obtained in advance, or the handling of personal information is permitted as an exception under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

  • Responses to inquiries and related communication

Voluntariness of Entering Personal Information

Entering personal information is voluntary, but failure to fill in the required fields will result in being unable to proceed to the “Confirm Inquiry Content” page.

Outsourcing of Handling of Personal Information

In the event that the Company outsources all or part of the handling of personal information, it will be done so under the strict management of the Company.

Provision of data to third parties

The Company will not provide or disclose acquired personal information to any third party, except in the following cases.

  • When the consent of the staff in question has been obtained
  • When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question
  • When disclosure or provision is required by other laws and regulations

Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Etc. of Personal Information

The Company will accept requests for disclosure of retained personal information, notification of purpose of use, correction, etc. in cases where the content of said retained personal information is contrary to facts, or suspension of use or provision to third parties (hereinafter “disclosure, etc.”).

  1. Points of Contact for Requests for Disclosure, Etc. of Personal Information
    1. Complaint & Consultation Office
    2. If you wish to make a request via postal mail, please send the prescribed request form along with the required documents to the following address.
      Osaka Ekimae Dai-Yon Bldg. 5F #18, 1-11-4-500 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 530-0001
      MORABU HANSHIN Industry Co.,Ltd. Complaint & Consultation Office
  2. Items to Submit
    • Personal Information Purpose of Use Notification & Disclosure Request Form
    • Personal Information Correction Request Form
    • Personal Information Usage Suspension, Etc. Request Form
    • Copy of personal identification document (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
    • If the request is being made by a legal representative, in addition to a copy of the applicant’s personal identification document, documentation confirming the representative’s legal representation authority
  3. Handling Fee
    Please note that a handling fee of 300 yen per request will be charged for requests for disclosure and notification of purpose of use. For requests made via postal mail, the fee will be charged by bank transfer or other means.
    For specific procedures with regard to requests for disclosure, etc., please contact us via the contact information below.

Site Security, etc.

Use of SSL Encryption

The Company’s website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology on pages where users enter personal information.
This encryption technology is used to encrypt information such as personal information and transmit it from the user’s computer to the Company’s website server. As a result, the information transmitted over the Internet is encrypted when sent, protecting it from tampering, identity theft, etc. by third parties.
*A key icon is displayed at the bottom right of the browser on pages that use SSL encryption.

Use of Cookies

When visiting the Company’s website, some information may be stored on the user’s computer. This information is known as Cookies. Cookies are used to manage the transfer of information between screens and to prevent unauthorized access and ensure security by confirming that the user is the same person. Please be assured that the information retained by Cookies is used only for security purposes and does not contain any information that could reveal the personal information of an individual user.
*Please note that if Cookies are disabled in the browser’s security settings, the above functions will not be able to be used.

Use of Google Analytics

Our website collects information using "Google Analytics", a free access analysis service provided by Google, in order to understand usage trends. "Google Analytics" does not collect personal information. It collects browsing history data, and its management is based on Google’s privacy policy.

Google's privacy policy

Consultations and Complaints Regarding Handling of Personal Information

For consultations, complaints, or other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us via the following contact information.

[Inquiries regarding handling of personal information]
MORABU HANSHIN Industry Co.,Ltd. Complaint & Consultation Office
TEL: 06-6341-8237 (Reception hours: Weekdays 9:00 - 18:00)

The Company is a member of the following organization, which is a certified personal information protection organization accredited under the Act. The following organization accepts complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information by member businesses.

[Name of a certified personal information protection organization and contact information for complaints and consultations]
PrivacyMark Promotion Center, Personal Information Protection Complaint & Consultation Office
Consumer Consultation Office
TEL: 0120-116-213

*“Retained personal information” is defined as “personal information that constitutes a systematically organized collection of information, for which the Company has the authority to respond to all requests for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties of said personal information requested by the person in question.”

If you agree with the above policy on the handling of personal information,
please check the “Agree” box and press the “Confirm Inquiry Content” button.